Climate recovery starts with re-greening a child's world

Climate recovery starts with re-greening a child's world

When you choose Change Coffee, you’re tackling the root causes of poverty with every sip. 100% of Change Coffee profits fund World Vision's life-changing work to transform some of the world's most vulnerable communities.

An exciting way World Vision is doing this at scale is through a tried and tested approach called Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR). It’s one of the most powerful ways to invest in action on climate change and poverty at the same time.

Did you know?

One quarter of productive land is degraded, and 42% of the world's poor depend on degraded land for food and income(1). FMNR is a simple technique focusing on regrowing trees from stumps with existing living root systems underground. It can regenerate entire forests. And it can do it fast. All without planting a single tree.  

You might be thinking, why would World Vision focus on climate? Climate recovery starts with re-greening a child’s world.

Here are some of the ways FMNR can lift children and families out of poverty:

  • Bigger, better crops: It improves soil fertility for crop production so farmers can grow more food for their children.
  • Increased income: Farmers can use extra produce as an income stream to provide for their families or create their own small business.
  • Increased resilience: Restoring the natural environment reduces the severity and impacts of disasters like droughts and floods. FMNR increases capture and storage of carbon dioxide by plants and soil, removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

Help a child today and the planet for tomorrow

The best part is, if you’re choosing Change Coffee, you’re already supporting programs like FMNR by funding World Vision’s mission to lift up children and empower communities across the globe.

Want to provide even more impact?

Though World Vision’s child sponsorship program in Kenya you can sponsor a child from a re-greening community and support them to build resilience for the future. Through FMNR, as well as focusing on health, access to clean water, safe sanitation and education, child sponsorship enables communities to build a future they want.

Forests, desertification and biodiversity - United Nations Sustainable Development
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